June 23, 2020 Tags: PRP for hair loss, Plastic Surgery News, Nashville plastic surgeon, best plastic surgeon nashville, top doctors, prp hair restoration
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can be an effective and safe hair loss treatment for many adults. During PRP hair restoration treatment, a specialist will draw the patient’s blood, then place it into a centrifuge that separates plasma from red blood cells. The plasma, which is rich in proteins and growth factors, is then injected into the patient’s scalp. PRP therapy requires no numbing or downtime. After an initial appointment, the treatment is typically repeated once a month for the next three months, then every three to six months following. PRP for hair regrowth has been linked to high success rates – even for those with baldness or hereditary hair thinning.
Image source: https://www.plasticsurgerypractice.com/treatment-solutions/innovations/research/platelet-rich-plasma-effective-hair-loss/