Many people are frustrated by the accumulation of fat around their stomach. Whether the area around your abdomen is loose or sagging due to pregnancy, weight loss, genetics or age, Dr. Wendel may recommend the popular tummy tuck surgery. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes the unwanted fat and skin from your belly to make your profile look firm and flat.
After having gastric bypass 13 years ago, I tried to get the courage to have plastic surgery but kept putting it off. This spring I had to have a total hysterectomy so I started seriously considering having a tummy tuck so I could do both with only one recovery. The decision to move forward with both procedures was the best decision ever. I took 4 weeks off work and went back to an office job. The first week back was slow moving but I quickly started getting back to normal at week 6. The tummy tuck was such a positive experience for me. I’m so very happy and blessed with the outcome thanks to the best surgeon ever, Dr. J. J. Wendel.
Actual Patient of Dr. J. J. Wendel Plastic Surgery
Read More ReviewsFollowing childbirth, many mothers have extra fat, saggy skin and muscle weakness in the tummy area. If you have minimal fat and minimal sagging in the skin, you are a candidate for a mini TT. A mini TT removes a small amount of skin and is best for someone who has a small pouch in their tummy area. Another advantage of the mini TT is the use of one incision, versus two. A full TT leaves you with a scar below your bikini line and one around the belly button. A mini TT does not involve a scar around the belly button.
There are many different types of abdominoplasty, and Dr. Wendel can help you select the one that is right for you. Dr. Wendel performs:
**These procedures are limited.
Dr. Wendel will perform the abdominoplasty in Nashville, TN using anesthesia in a fully accredited surgical facility. Dr. Wendel will begin the surgery making a small incision below the bikini line. He will then removes the excess skin located below the belly button, tighten or repair the muscles along the abdomen and stretch the remaining upper abdominal skin to replace the lower abdominal skin. The belly button is repositioned and drains are placed into the tummy as part of the recovery process. Dr. Wendel will go over abdominoplasty recovery instructions, in order to minimize any discomfort.
Should you decide on an invasive treatment, Dr. Wendel wants to make sure you receive the best possible pain relief. That is why Dr. Wendel has chosen medical equipment that significantly reduces the amount of narcotic pain medication needed to relieve pain following surgery.
If you would like additional pain control after surgery, Dr. Wendel offers the ON-Q PainBuster Pump system which allows for the continuous instillation of pain medication to the operative area. The tool limits and sometimes prevents pain after the surgery. The ON-Q Pump is commonly used with the tummy tuck procedure, abdominoplasty.
Learn more about the ON-Q Pain Relief System.
Do you want to avoid surgery? If the amount of extra skin and fat that you have is minimal, you may be a good candidate for Morpheus8 Skin Remodeling treatments.