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Juvéderm Volux

Are you looking to define your jawline or chin? Juvéderm Volux is the only FDA-approved hyaluronic-acid based dermal filler designed specifically for sculpting the jawline and reducing the appearance of jowls. This facial filler is ideal for patients with a weak jawline or a recessed chin that are seeking a more chiseled, sharp jawline. At Dr. J.J. Wendel Plastic surgery, we are proud to be among the first providers to offer this cosmetic injectable for chin and jawline contouring. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation and discuss your treatment options.

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Benefits of Juvéderm Volux


  • FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment
  • No downtime required
  • Results last anywhere from 12 to 18 months
  • Creates structure and definition to the jawline and chin
  • Smooths skin and reduces the appearance of jowls
  • Accentuates and balances facial features


Each patient needs a unique treatment option that adequately addresses their specific concerns. If you are looking to reduce the appearance of jowls and achieve a sharper, more chiseled jawline, Dr. J.J. Wendel Plastic Surgery offers a variety of treatment options. Learn more about the other procedures we provide such as Kybella, Morpheus8, or chin augmentation.

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