November 10, 2020 Tags: Microneedling, Plastic Surgery News, liposuction, laser treatment, Nashville plastic surgeon, top plastic surgery procedures
During the global COVID-19 pandemic, plastic surgeons have seen cosmetic treatments on the rise as more and more individuals spend their days looking at themselves on Zoom, or perhaps finally have the time on their hands to come in for an appointment. However, one cosmetic surgery in particular has been booming: ear surgery. For individuals with predispositions to prominent ears, wearing a mask tends to highlight this feature as the mask ties pull the ears forward. This can make many people feel self-conscious and hyper-focused on their appearance. If your prominent ears are making you feel insecure, perhaps cosmetic ear surgery is an option for you. Dr. J. J. Wendel has been helping patients regain confidence with cosmetic surgery for over 18 years and can help you as well. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. J. J. Wendel Plastic Surgery.
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