
Three Groundbreaking Under-Eye Treatments for Radiant Beauty

August 8, 2023 Tags: , , ,

The face of a young girl with patches under the eyes .

The search for youthful, radiant eyes is now made easier with the introduction of three innovative under-eye treatments. These cutting-edge approaches target common concerns, from hollows and volume loss to skin tightening and excess skin removal.

Erasing Hollows with Volume

Restylane Eyelight, a recently FDA-approved filler, is taking the beauty world by storm. This revolutionary addition to the Restylane HA fillers specifically targets under-eye hollows caused by volume loss in the tear trough. The unique consistency of Restylane Eyelight sets it apart from other fillers in the market. Its less hydrophilic properties reduce the chances of looking swollen for an extended period, minimize the risk of migration, and make it one of the easiest fillers to dissolve.

A Precise Nonsurgical Treatment

Introducing the Virtue RF treatment, a groundbreaking procedure that harnesses the power of the Exact hand piece, also known as Exact RF. This groundbreaking procedure combines microneedling with radio-frequency heat to tighten the under-eye skin with unparalleled precision. Addressing lower eyes, eye bags, and festoons, Virtue RF can be performed once a month for two to three sessions. Results typically last one to two years, with annual follow-up treatments recommended to maintain the effects.

A Minimally Invasive Skin Fix

For those seeking a minimally invasive solution to excess under-eye skin, check out the “Lower Eyelid Skin Pinch” procedure. Different from traditional lower blepharoplasty, this technique involves a discreet incision just below the eyelashes, through which excess skin is gently removed and sutured. The incision remains hidden under the lash line and crease, ensuring a natural-looking outcome. Ideal candidates for this procedure have mild to moderate wrinkling, but not fat pads or festoons. Performed under local anesthesia, the “Lower Eyelid Skin Pinch” provides a quick and effective solution, offering permanent rejuvenation for suitable candidates.

Experience a transformative journey to enhance your self-assurance and embrace your true beauty with a consultation at Dr. J.J. Wendel Plastic Surgery. Discover the wonders of nonsurgical treatments tailored to empower your confidence and radiate an everlasting sense of allure.

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