
Male Plastic Surgery Options That Boost Confidence

November 16, 2021 Tags:

man receiving botox

The number of men seeking plastic surgery and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures is on the rise. While they may have different aesthetic needs than women, their ultimate goal is the same: looking and feeling their best.

Commonly Requested Cosmetic Procedures for Males

Men have a wide range of concerns, and there is a variety of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to solve those concerns. The following are some of the most common cosmetic procedures requested by men.


Botox is a procedure that’s on the rise in men and women. This painless, quick procedure can provide a more youthful and wrinkle-free appearance. Men seek Botox to solve frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines while maintaining a natural look.


The most common signs of aging on the face in men are forehead creases, mid-face drooping, and jowls around the jawline. Injectable fillers are a safe and effective option for improving appearance without surgery.

Facial Laser Treatment

Laser treatments provide fast, subtle improvements with little to no downtime, which is one of the reasons they’re a popular choice for men. Laser skin resurfacing can be used to address common dermatology concerns among men, such as acne scars, sunspots, skin laxity, and age spots.

Face and Neck Lifts

The skin loses elasticity, and the face loses volume as men age, which leads to sagging skin and jowls. A face or neck lift is a great way to address these issues.


Stubborn fat bulges in the abdomen, love handles, back, or chin may stick around even with proper diet and exercise. As men age, this fat can become more challenging to address. Enter liposuction – a body sculpting procedure that can give men the slimmer, firmer physique they desire. In some instances, liposuction can even be a solution for gynecomastia, the enlargement of male breasts. 

Abdominal Etching 

This newer liposuction technique removes excess fat and reshapes the abdominal area to create the appearance of sculpted abs. During the procedure, surgeons address abdominal fat in both the surface and deep layers, drawing out the patient’s natural six-pack lines in men and three vertical lines in women. Good candidates for abdominal etching are men in good physical shape but have difficulty with small areas of fatty tissue in the abdomen.

Why the Rise in Male Plastic Surgery Patients?

With the Zoom Boom in plastic surgery treatments in general, it’s no wonder the number of male plastic surgery patients is going up. In addition to the health and wellness trend on the rise in the United States, men want to look their best in personal and professional environments. Men have realized that plastic surgery is not about vanity or looking fake but about feeling their best and most comfortable in their skin. 

At Dr. J. J. Wendel Plastic Surgery, our expert team of aesthetics professionals, has your best interests in mind and can provide transformative but natural results. If you’re ready to look and feel like your best self, schedule a consultation today!

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