December 14, 2017 Tags: Plastic Surgery News, Craniofacial disorders, inspirational story, Wonder
(Photo: Slash Film)
Dr. Scott Bartlett, a craniofacial surgeon from Philadelphia, shares his joy for the film Wonder, which gives viewers a greater understanding of children’s experiences with congenital deformities. Wonder tells the story of a fictional 10-year old boy named Auggie, who has a severe case of Treacher Collins syndrome – a rare genetic craniofacial disorder. Like many children with congenital deformities, Auggie underwent numerous surgeries before entering middle school. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed that nearly 220,000 maxillofacial and craniofacial procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2016. Dr. Bartlett hopes Wonder reminds patients that they possess the strength, wisdom and courage to defy the odds and overcome their adversity every day.
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