February 12, 2019 Tags: Plastic Surgery News, anti-aging treatments, Dr. J. J. Wendel Plastic Surgery, lip surgery, lip volume, plastic surgery for face, cosmetic procedures for face, lip filler, dermal filler for lips
Researchers have discovered a new contributor to upper lip aging – volume loss. As we age, the upper lip lengthens and the soft tissue thickness decreases. The lengthening and thinning of the upper lip leads to a loss of volume. Studies show that this occurs at the “alar nasolabial fold” (the lines running from the base of the nose to the corners of the lips) – the area that gives the lips a “sagging” appearance. These findings suggest that plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures are beneficial for facial rejuvenation.
Read more: http://www.plasticsurgerypractice.com/2019/01/volume-loss-not-just-sagging-causes-upper-lip-aging/