
Three Biggest Myths About Nose Jobs Debunked

August 2, 2022 Tags:

close up on nose and blue green eye of fair skinned and freckled woman

NewBeauty recently sat down with Campbell, CA plastic surgeon R. Laurence Berkowitz, MD, to debunk some of the most common myths and misconceptions about nose jobs, a.k.a., rhinoplasties.

Rhinoplasty Myth 1: Recovery Is Rocky

When you think of a nose job, many people automatically think of prolonged recovery with extensive bruising and swelling. With new technology such as preservation techniques and ultrasonic instrumentation, “most patients experience very little or no bruising and considerably less swelling than seen in previous eras.” Typically, rhinoplasty patients can expect to return to work or school one to two weeks post-procedure.

Rhinoplasty Myth 2: Nose Jobs Are Better Suited for a Younger Demographic

Rhinoplasty is possible for patients of most ages. It’s now more common to see men and women in their 60s and 70s seeking rhinoplasty. Before newer technology, older patients’ bones were considered too fragile to undergo nose surgery, but now it is safe and possible.

Rhinoplasty Myth 3: Nose Jobs Are Obvious

A good rhinoplasty should look natural for the face it’s done on and not look like a human hand has altered the look of the face. Proportions must be ideal for the face shape. A nose job done well starts by finding an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who has proven results, like Dr. Wendel.

“The entire structure should appear to be one fluid unit from the root of the nose between the eyes to the tip of the nose. The boney portions and cartilaginous portions should appear as a single structure. The tip should appear to blend with the nostrils and not appear isolated (an unfortunate, common finding after rhinoplasty).” says Berkowitz.

If you’re interested in getting a nose job in Nashville, TN, look no further than the experts at Dr. J. J. Wendel Plastic Surgery. View our rhinoplasty before and after gallery, and contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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