
The Benefits of a Facelift

November 15, 2022 Tags:

woman with brown hair in front of blue background pinches face on cheek

Over 230,000 facelifts were performed in 2020 alone — making it the third most sought-after surgical procedure, according to Haute Beauty. Many people opt to undergo a facelift procedure in order to dramatically ‘turn back the clock’ and remove signs of aging in the face and neck. This increasingly popular procedure can effectively restore a youthful appearance both on its own or in conjunction with other procedures to maximize results.

When a patient undergoes a facelift, or rhytidectomy, an incision is created near the hairline to “[lift] the deeper layers of the face, and [remove] excess skin to diminish wrinkles and improve contour,” reports Haute Beauty. The popularity of this treatment is not without reason, as it has a plethora of benefits. Namely, this procedure is desired by many patients because it addresses the multiple signs of aging at once. Facelifts remove sagging excess skin, reduce deep wrinkles, eliminate jowls, and recontour the jaw and upper neck, without leaving unsightly surgical scars. This procedure is a good option for patients that desire results that cannot be achieved with neuromodulators or facial rejuvenation treatments alone.

As with all procedures, it’s important to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon who can determine if you’re an ideal candidate for a rhytidectomy. At Dr. J.J. Wendel Plastic Surgery, we offer various types of facelift procedures, as well as a range of non-surgical anti-aging treatments to restore your youthful appearance. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

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